Repair Shops Heating

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Satisfactory heating of repair shops in cold seasons is one of its problems. Commonly, the following conditions are true about repair shops:

Because of the large number of cars coming in and out, there is constant opening and closing of the door, which could lead to permanent cold air circulation. Sometimes, the ground is wet and might get frozen in cold seasons. Due to the pollution produced by working cars, there is a dire need for ventilators. The structure of most of the repair shops is not well-insulated, and even there might be no insulation at all.

Car body, engine, chassis and the other parts plus the tools used are mainly made of highly conductive metals. Heating repair shops through convective heating method is mostly done via one of the following ways:

Heaters used in workplaces and furnaces

Central heating and heating units

Central heating and ventilators

The research done indicate that workplace heaters or furnaces are being mainly used in repair shops, especially in small ones. Convective heating method results in mass waste of energy because of low density – in other words, it is the ceilings not the floor that is heated at a maximum height of 2 meters. Consequently, those working at repair shops spend a considerably long time to heat themselves and their tools, which leads to low output and quality.

Repair Shops Heating 1

UT Model

Capable of high radiation suitable for halls with high ceilings

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SL Linear Model

Long and suitable for halls with low ceilings

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